I love bullies, and that is why bullies have no power over me. Bullies are people who have learned how to bully by being bullied; they are hurting too. What they seem to want is for others to hurt as much as they are hurting, or to show them how to stop hurting. A bully […]
Master Your Mind
Master your own mind. This is the heart of the message of all the great teachers or ‘masters’ that ever existed, be they called Buddhas or Christs, for they were masters over their own minds and hence masters over the world. Meditation or ‘watching’ is just the process of watching your own mind so that […]
What is Unconditional Love?
I do not want to talk about theory or philosophy here; I really want to talk from my personal experience of Unconditional Love. It took me a lot of work, time just asking myself what I wanted, listening to that inner voice or guidance, before I realized I prefer the experience of loving what life […]
How to Realize Benefits of Meditation in the Real World?
How to Realize Benefits of Meditation in the Real World? Part 2, Posted on: July 4th, 2012 by Rakesh Sethi This is the second article by Rakesh on this topic. Here are my comments I posted about it: As I said in my comment on the first article, one benefit I have found from meditation is clarity of mind, […]
What is the True Purpose of Meditation?
What is the True Purpose of Meditation?. Posted on: November 13th, 2010 by Rakesh Sethi This is a decent article about meditation, but I do not think the author has gone far enough, so I added my comments: I have found that meditation calms the mind, brings inner peace, stillness and CLARITY. It is with this clarity that […]
What is Love?
“Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside.” – Margaret Walker My take on love comes from watching what is actually happening inside the body when we are experiencing the sensation known as love. This is something that anyone can observe or directly experience if they just take the time to watch. I come […]
Dynamic Compassion
Dynamic Compassion is a compassion that goes beyond just respect, service and care. Compassion is the willingness to suffer with others. Dynamic compassion is the underlying cause of change or growth that comes from that willingness to suffer with others. Dynamic compassion is a willingness to engage the world or a situation that is unhealthy, […]