Yesterday was a death day for me as a friend of mine, a cat friend, died as I was holding him. It was a dad process. After he died the emotions rose up within me and I had to go outside to dwell in the sorrow for a few minutes. This whole experience was very […]
Healthy Boundaries
The human being is a limited being, it has boundaries. It cannot go indefinitely without rest, water, food, shelter and the like. There are also many boundaries that we must have in order to have any quality of life. Sometimes our relationships with others challenge these boundaries and that can be good, for it helps […]
Taking Back the Power of Words to Hurt
I saw an interview today on CNN’s website where Marc Lamont Hill were saying that we should allow a discussion of the “N-word”. I find that attitude one of the most open minded I have heard in a long time. Let me explain why. I have realized that words do not hurt people; it is people’s […]
Honesty Leads to Heaven
Being honest with yourself leads to a heavenly life experience. Lying to yourself and others leads to a hellish life experience. It is so hard to be honest, even with ourselves. Much of society teaches us to lie to ourselves and to others. We call this process ‘believing’ and being polite, but it is just […]
What is Love? How to Love?
On a search of Google adwords I find that those two topics each get 185 MILLION searches a month. I realized yesterday that those two questions are what I started looking for answers to thirty years ago. I realize now that I have found the answer to those question, found it to perfections, and so […]
Unholy Beliefs
I am sure that many people have discovered that their beliefs and other ways of thinking are causing most if not all their problems. Yet do we know which beliefs we have that we do not even realize we are being limited by? I started out this post wanting to write about other people’s belief […]
Dangerous Pixels
Are people so stupid as to think that pixels on their computer screen can hurt them? Really? Do people really want to give their power and peace away to anyone who comes along and says something to them? Really? Pixels are defined as “A minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many […]