
MSNBC – Poll shows U.S. views on Muslim-Americans: “The survey conducted by Cornell University also found that Republicans and people who described themselves as highly religious were more apt to support curtailing Muslims� civil liberties than Democrats or people who are less religious.”

Conservatives and highly religious people are more apt to support religious liberty than liberals and the less religious. This means that the religious want to do away with ‘other’ religious people’s freedom.

Just more evidence that religion is a disease and not solution to humanities problems.


Yahoo! News – Cannabis Increases Risk of Psychosis -Study

This, hopefully, will be an eye opener for those of you who imbibe. It has been my experience that the people I have known or know who have used cannabis for a long time tend toward the conservative side eventually, which includes left wing conservatism. They become more fearful or paranoid with time the more they use marijuana.

You can deny this, as I am sure many of you will, or call this paranoia on the part of society, but there is a long term affect of using ANY drug, including nicotine and caffeine.


MSNBC – The Republic of Turmoil

In the “Good Ol Days” the conservatives still did not have the ability to appreciate, enjoy and love what life was offering. This only shows that conservative will never be able to love what is. That is what a conservatives do not have the ability to love what is.

Today’s conservatives can not love today but think they could love the 1950’s. Yet, if they lived in the 1950’s they would not have been able to appreciate that time either. For conservatives are people who are not in the habit of appreciating, enjoy and love ANYTHING.

A conservative is one whose focus or mind is so narrow that they can not see the big picture and appreciate how everything fits together. Narrow mindedness comes from making small or material things important.

We will cure the ‘disease’ of conservatism only when we can get people to see the big picture and not make things important.


MSNBC – Brain scanners can probe your politics: “Take empathy: One Democrat�s brain lit up at an image of Kerry �with a profound sense of connection, like a beautiful sunset,� Freedman said. Brain activity in a Republican shown an image of Bush was �more interpersonal, such as if you smiled at someone and they smiled back.�”

This just shows that Republicans are not as committed to Bush as Democrats are to Kerry.


Thanks to Bush, America is no longer the moral leader of the world. It is just the place you can come and make money. It is time to go back to doing unto others as we would want done unto us.


The unions of America must recognize that the market climate of this country has changed and that their product/service is not needed like it was in the past. This is not to say that there is not a market for the unions, only that the unions should look beyond the borders of America for their members. It is the duty of all freedom loving people, and particularly Americans, to work to create environments in other countries where unions can do the work they do if it is needed.

If our companies can go to other countries and have those people manufacture products destine for America but at a lower labor cost, then those countries should be open to our unions to go there and unionize


America has had many black marks on its rich history of liberty and respect for others. Guantanamo Bay will be another one. Just as we look at the embarrassment of the Japanese internment camps during World War II, someday we will look back at the internment camp of Guantanamo Bay as an embarrassment.

The current Bush administrations wants to change the fundamental structure of our society from a society based on the rule of laws to a society based on the rule of men. Guantanamo Bay is a foothold for this administration into a society where people are subject not to the laws but to the whims of the rulers.

If we are going to seek the moral leadership of the world we will have to think as world class citizens, not just as Americans. Our hearts & minds have to reach out to those who will not have a vote in our elections.