I just heard that there is an active shooter situation at our local high school, Boulder High School, here in Boulder, CO. It is exciting as I try to learn what is going on, but part of me has this ho-hum attitude, just another day and another shooting. I was going to add “in America” to that last sentence but I realized this has become pretty normal for most of the world. Maybe the US gets more because we are obsessed with guns, but the whole world is obsessed with guns and war or conflicts.
These types of situations are going to happen more and more. So what should smart people do about it?
Most of us will never personally experience an active shooter situation, but we will hear about it in the news or on social media, or from those who did experience it. It does not matter how we hear about our stress levels will raise and our sense of well-being will diminish. All of this takes a toll on our overall health and well-being. The added stress in our bodies will stress our relationships which will add more stress to our lives.
So what do smart people do about it? They learn to find peace WITH the world as it is.
Only from a place of inner peace can one bring peace to others and the world. If we don’t first have that inner peace we will only bring our fear to the world and create more fear.