I have had a long-standing interest in understanding how this human instrument works. This interest is not limited to the physical or medical functions but also the neurological, psychological, mental and emotional aspects of the human instrument. My interest leads me to watch my body, my mind, my emotions, and myself as I go through life. I particularly watch when I practice various spiritual disciplines or think various ways, to see the effect on the quality of life that these disciplines and ways of thinking have and WHY they produce those effects.
In my practice of watching myself and of watching others I have seen some very interesting aspects of human consciousness that when I try to share that with others I usually only get resistance. Of course, this in itself interested me, for I wanted to know why there would be resistance to understanding ourselves.
I have seen that this resistance comes from the ego, a mechanism within the human instrument dedicated to survival of the human instrument. It is imagined that if we understand ourselves then we will no longer treasure the human instrument as mysteriousness or ‘special’. However, this is not true, for understanding only enhances the appreciation. It is superstition that creates the fear of understanding.