Stopping the Spin

When emotional drama becomes too much and you feel you are traumatizing yourself (injuring yourself), stop the spin of the drama by getting back to a place of stillness and the clarity that it brings. When you are uptight or tense it is difficult to find clarity and peace of mind. The following steps or perspectives will enable you to relax and regain the clarity, peace and wholeness you are seeking:


  • Get back into the PRESENT MOMENT. Get back into the Here and Now. Recognize that you are experiencing life in the present; the past is but memory and cannot hurt you, the future is just imagination and is not real. "What is the situation right now and here?"

  • Recognize that when you are upset or experiencing an emotional drama you cannot possibly help or benefit another. FIRST CONCERN YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF. "What am I doing that is upsetting myself?" You cannot love another until you can love yourself.

SOFTEN Yourself:

  • Become aware of your body and be aware of your BREATH. Feel where the tension is located in your body and breathe into it to relax and let go of the tension.

  • Recognize that outside of this moment and this place you really DON'T KNOW anything. "Only don't know." "Dwell in a cloud of unknowing." Be innocent like a child.

  • Get a bigger perspective. Expand your consciousness and recognize that whatever your problems are, they are NOT REALLY THAT IMPORTANT in the big picture of life. "Nothing that ever has happened or could happen on this puny speck of dust in the universe, that we call Earth, could ever really be important."

Remember to SMILE:

  • Look at whatever your situation is and feel an acceptance or YESness toward it. It is the attitude of No-ness (disagree, dislike, etc.) that is our resistance or fear of the Perfect Reality that we have manifested.

  • Practice APPRECIATION of what you are experiencing. The attitude of appreciation leads to Joy and Love. What all people want is the lightness of enjoying and loving life.

Allow for STILLNESS:

  • It is in the Stillness, Rest and Peace that we gain the clarity that enables us to perceive the truth that will set us free to fully enjoy and love what life is offering.

  • With CLARITY we are better able to perceive and assess what is really happening, enabling us to choose the path of least resistance to a more full or WHOLE LIFE EXPERIENCE.

Your quality of life is up to you.
The choice is yours, the power to choose comes with practice.